Creating a Safe and Resilient Workplace (Following Melbourne Terrorism Arrests)

The arrest of three men in Melbourne this week for plotting a significant terror attack had senior police commenting that the ‘consequences would have been chilling with a potential for significant loss of human life’.

Following on from this month’s terror attack in Bourke Street and with the Terrorism Threat Level currently sitting at PROBABLE (persons have the intent & capability to conduct an attack), what can your organisation do to ensure that your people and key assets are best protected and capable of responding during an incident?

1. Create a Challenge Culture – Your entire workforce requires a set of shared values around security & personal safety. Recognising, challenging & reporting suspicious behaviour is central to an effective security strategy. Remember, a strong challenge culture must be led from the top!

2. Undertake a Security Threat Vulnerability Assessment. The 2017 ANZ Counter Terrorism Committee Crowded Places Guidelines state: ‘Owners & operators have a responsibility to undertake a risk assessment / vulnerability analysis of their crowded place and implement mitigation…personal liability can attach if breached’. With this in mind, when was the last time you undertook an assessment of your site, processes and operations?

3. Develop procedures for critical incidents which could create disruption, impact safety or influence reputation. Active Armed Offender Incident (AAOI) & Improvised Explosive Device procedures are important strategies which would form a component of a broader suite of guidelines, plans and solutions.

4. Commit to a training program. There is no point developing plans or procedures unless you socialise them to your workforce, tenants and key stakeholders.  Frontline Safety & Security Awareness Training and Active Armed Offender Incident – Human Behaviour Detection & Critical Incident training are key training initiatives to ensure staff are prepared, can identify behaviours, and respond effectively.

5. Undertake desktop / site scenarios and exercises to ensure that your strategies are appropriate, reliable, effective and robust.

Contact your security consultant at Workforce Resilience for unparalleled support across all key organisational resilience areas.


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